Having a great business card is the cheapest most valuable investment you could do for your business. It only takes a potential client a few seconds to look over your card. Make sure you make a good first impression.
Having the correct information is a must. You should always include a website, e-mail address, a phone number and an address if available.
It is important that your card not only looks good but that the quality matches your business, try to spend a little bit more on a nice quality paper that will set you apart from your competition. Having a good looking card will cost you between $180 to $290 for 1000 cards. That price includes the design, printing and delivery of your cards.
For more information contact Patricia at: 727-385-4492 or patty@inkgraphicsonline.com
Once a week, The Entrepreneur Social Club meets at NOVA 535 in downtown St. Petersburg. I took part in their “review business cards” segment and our host asked us to hold up the card we liked the most, I was lucky enough to have my camera with me to capture the moment when the entire table picked up my card.
More about The Entrepreneur Social Club, affectionately called the ESC, is a collaborative group of seasoned professionals, start-ups, business owners, inventors, designers, dreamers, successful tycoons, mentors and Entrepreneurs from every industry around the globe. Founded by Michael S. Novilla in 2009, The Entrepreneur Social Club meets once a week in person in St. Pete, Florida on Thursday Nights, most always at NOVA 535 Unique Event Space.