The day I hired my 9 year old nephew to create a comic book for me

I love my nephews and a few months ago I asked my 9 year  old (at the time he is 10 now)… Hey how would you like me to hire you to create a comic book for my company? I thought this would encourage the entrepreneurial and creative spirit in him. Right away he said oh yeah! He got so excited with the fact that he would get paid to do something cool. Like every proper business deal I paid him a 50% deposit 😀

Your Brand Matters

Branding is more than a logo. It’s more than a website. It’s more than a business card. It’s more than the colors and typefaces you choose to represent your company. Your brand is your voice in the marketplace, and it is your proposition for disruption. It is your opportunity to create something with lasting impact. It is how you tell your story, and it is absolutely key to your success and your survival.