Patricia Filomeno’s self published coloring book series inspired by Florida’s beloved Pink Flamingo is now for sale!

A Pink Flamingo Christmas now available on Amazon

As Seen On:

“It’s all about listening to that voice inside your head and following up on that dream with an action plan. Was not an easy task, creating coloring pages is harder than you might think and I am proud of this accomplishment”

Florida’s Pink Flamingo in the making:


Coloring my very own coloring book!

A Florida resident just published a Coloring Book series inspired by Florida’s beloved Pink Flamingo!

Native to Florida, Pink Flamingos remind us to honor the beauty in nature and in life in every exquisite detail. Twenty seven original illustrations by artist Patricia Filomeno who has lived on Anna Maria Island for the past seven years with husband Rainer Scheer. Patricia was born in Peru and is a proud Florida resident for the last twenty five years. Other than being an artist, Patricia is also the owner of Ink Graphics Media, a local digital marketing firm and Florida Furniture Rental, a furniture rental company.

In-studio interviews with both Bloom Tampa Bay and TODO Tampa Bay (cellphone footage):

Florida's Pink Flamingo Coloring Page Sample:


Florida's Pink Flamingo Coloring Page Sample: